Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Here's a traditional balaclava helmet pattern.

Cagoule, passe montagne, strumhaube, schalmütze, finlandshette, elefanthue

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Here is a favorite pattern of a colorful balaclava that I'm going to get before the next ski season. It's from the 1980's. I used to have one almost like this. It was my favorite hat.

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Back again


It's been a while since I last worte here, but I'm still here. Haven gotten any feedback on this blog. That's kind of sad... I still enjoy my balaclava and pattern collection. I see from other blogs that people are still knitting them and wear them, that is good! I've found a website that takes a look at the ski masks and the ordinary people who wear them, not only bank robbers.

Take a look at: www.crazyskimask.com


Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Newest knitted balaclava helmet

This is my newest knitted balaclava helmet. I enjoy the bright green and blue stripes, and I added a pom-pom. It's made from an old knitting american pattern.

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Opening day

Well, I'm trying to do some blogging re. my hobby of balaclava helmet and ski mask colletcting. I'm looking forward to see how this goes... First just to get this thing working and published. I hope there are more out there, or maybe I'm the only one with this interest. Well, I hope for some feedback, and I hope I can get this published right.